
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) was established in 1990. It is responsible for social policy (e.g. people with disabilities, social services, social benefits, family policy), social security (e.g. pensions, sickness insurance), employment (e.g. labour market, employment support, employment of foreigners), labour legislation, occupational safety and health, equal opportunities of women and men, European Social Fund and other social or labour related issues.

MoLSA provides methodological guidance for Labour Offices, Czech Social Security Administration, State Labour Inspection Office, Regional Labour Inspectorates and for the Office for International Legal Protection of Children.

MoLSA runs 5 Social Care Homes for children and adults with physical or mental disabilities.

MoLSA supervises three Government-funded organizations: the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs, the Institute for Occupational Safety Education and the Occupational Safety Research Institute.

The Ministry currently employs approximately 18,000 members of staff.

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